When you make proper cold plunging a part of your daily practice you unlock a multitude of health benefits.

Cold water hydrotherapy, also known as cold water immersion, is a therapeutic technique that involves immersing the body in cold water for a short period of time. The therapy works by exposing the body to cold temperatures, which can help to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and promote healing.

The therapy works by causing the blood vessels in the body to constrict, which can help to reduce inflammation and promote the flow of blood and oxygen to the affected area. This can help to speed up healing and reduce pain and discomfort.

The benefits of cold water hydrotherapy are numerous and include reducing pain and inflammation, improving circulation, and boosting immune function. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as muscle soreness, arthritis, and sports injuries.

Research has shown that cold water hydrotherapy is safe and effective. In a study of athletes, for example, cold water immersion was found to significantly reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time. Another study found that cold water immersion improved circulation and reduced pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Overall, cold water hydrotherapy is a valuable tool for promoting healing and reducing pain and discomfort in a wide range of conditions. Whether you are looking to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, or relieve pain and discomfort, cold water hydrotherapy may be an effective treatment option.

The cold is not to be feared, but embraced.
Our trained coaches will guide you through your cold exposure, teaching you breathing techniques and meditative practices to train your autonomic nervous system how to adapt to stress in a healthy way.

  • Speed recovery after physical exercise

    Reduces inflammation and sore muscles

    Improved immune response

    Improved circulation

    Increased energy and focus

    Aids weight loss efforts

    Hormesis (Bodys postive adaption to stress)

    Mindfulness practice

  • Cold-shocking the body using cold water therapy can produce an effect even as low as 30 seconds. Research has shown a significant increase in norepinephrine release which has been shown to suppress proinflammatory cytokines (reducing inflammation). At Optimyze we train our members to start as quick as 30 seconds up to 3 minutes. With mental focus and training our members can stay relaxed for 2 minutes with minimal training.

  • Each and every member is required to shower/rinse before using the water therapy. Most people do not wash their hair and/or face during the rinse so this excess hair and oil throw off the PH of the water and clog the filters therefore requiring more water maintenance. We are receiving plenty of benefit from the cold and warm water hydrotherapy submerging from our neck down.

  • Most of the therapies are not recommended (cold water, sauna, warm water spa) . Although we do have therapies that can assist in well-being and are safe for pregnancy such as BrainTap, NuCalm and compression therapy.

  • It can be if you are looking to improve your cold adaptation, increase metabolism and shed some fat. Cold water therapy aids in weight loss through shivering, kinetic energy and creating more brown adipose tissue (BAT) otherwise known as brown fat. If you end your session on cold water therapy, we recommend a much shorter duration such as 30 seconds-1 minute.

  • Our bodies know what to do and one of the first reactions to the cold as low temperatures starts to pull blood from the extremities using vasoconstriction to the bodies core therefore experiencing a change in circulation. This movement of blood is one of the core benefits to help exercise circulatory pathways.

  • Biological stress such as caloric restriction, intermittent fasting, and physical exercise extends lifespan and improves health markers in model organisms by activating stress resistance pathways. At Optimyze we use stress such as cold water therapy, specific breathing exercises, IR sauna and PEMF to train our reaction to stress. PEMF can help to exercise our cells making them efficient at cellular respiration and assist the natural healing modalities of the body. Cold water therapy puts the ANS into a fight/flight mode having the body produce adrenaline. By giving our bodies small doses of controlled mild stress in a safe environment we can train using mental focus and breathing exercises to react and adapt to stressors in a more positive way.

Cold Hydrotherapy

Try a 10-pack

Purchase a 10-pack of center sessions to be used at any time, no expiration.

Each 1-hour session includes all 4 core therapies.

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The full Optimyze Healing Ritual.

A 1-hour session includes our core therapies Compression, IR Sauna, Cold & Warm Hydrotherapy.

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Compression Therapy